Published on June 19, 2021 By GAIAStevef In OS Customization

Saw these on Neowin in a screenshot for the new WIndowblinds 10.89 version.   What blinds are these?


on Jun 19, 2021

One of it Comet by 2of3. The other one I am not so sure. Some one might come along and know about it.

Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant

on Jun 19, 2021

the other one is by essorent... he used to make some of the best skins... i think he retired tho....

on Jun 19, 2021

The other one on the right is Jingo by essorant. (No longer available for download)

on Jun 19, 2021

One of it Comet by 2of3.
Looks like my work, yes   If it's included in WB (doubtful) I'm flattered, but it's not really one I would pick as my best work.....


The other one on the right is Jingo by essorant. (No longer available for download)
Essorant posted some skins under Retired Master LINK, But sadly not all his skins are available anymore.

on Jun 19, 2021

Neither of those skins are installed with Windowblinds v10.89, just the older skins that have come with Windowblinds for as long as I can remember are  installed with it, Diamond, Eva, The Captain... etc.

on Jun 19, 2021

Yep.  Looks like the original Neowin article about the release of the new 10.89 Windowblinds version is using a screenshot of the old Windowblinds 8 version.   I just hadn't looked closely enough at it.

WindowBlinds 10.89 - Neowin

Thanks all for helping identify what the skins were in my OP.